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The purpose of ExecTech Performance Coaching is to help you improve your performance and be an A-Performer. We do this with weekly one-on-one telephone coaching sessions. During these calls, you and your coach work on one of the A-Performer qualities you need to improve your performance, income and work enjoyment. Your coach trains you on these skills and helps you implement them using a step-by-step weekly plan.

As a result, your performance improves every week, your productivity goes up each month and your income increases each year.

Professional athletes succeed because they have coaches in their corners. You have a better chance at winning if you also have a coach in your corner.

Unfortunately, certain types of coaches are not very helpful.

Five Signs of Bad Coaches

  1. Bad coaches give you recommendations that help themselves. “You are only afraid of giving talks because your speeches are bad. You should pay me $1000 to write each speech for you.” “After our coaching session, I’d like to talk to you about a loan, okay?” Bad coaches think, “If I can make him dependent on me, he’ll do whatever I want.”
  2. Bad coaches are poor listeners. They say things like, “Sorry, I was looking at my phone. What’d you say?” “I have to stop you here because our time’s up.”
  3. Instead of actually helping you, some coaches act like cheerleaders and make useless comments. “I’m sure you’ll be fine!” “These things have a way of working out” or “That’s life for you. Be strong!”
  4. Bad coaches criticize you.”That’s a silly thing to say.” “There’s no reason for you to be afraid of your staff.” “Your answer explains why you’re failing.”
  5. Bad coaches do not focus on building your performance skills or helping you make improvements. “You should work on that fear, okay?” “I hope you feel better. Let’s schedule our next session.” “I want you to spend some time thinking about what you told me.”

Twelve Signs of Professional Coaches

  1. Good coaches are skilled listeners who make you feel understood. They are interested in what you have to say. “Ah! Okay, makes sense. Thanks for telling me about that.”
  2. Good coaches ask intelligent questions that help you learn more about yourself. “How does this fear affect your pay?” “If you earned Jill and Joe’s respect and support, what could you then do?”
  3. A good coach is a confidential supporter, with an unbiased outside viewpoint, who wants you to be an A-Performer, fulfill your passions and reach your goals.
  4. Good coaches follow proven routines during each coaching session. “Let’s start by reviewing your action plan from last week. Did you do step #1?” “Next, let’s review the article on page 15.”
  5. Good coaches focus on you obtaining specific results. Every coaching session leads to an improved performance skill. For example, when working on your your courage, you feel less fear after discussing and planning to use one of the courage methods.
  6. During each coaching session you can say anything you like without worrying about offending anyone, ruining your reputation or causing any damage to your relationship with your coach. This gives you the freedom to honestly focus, just on you.
  7. A good coach gives you specific suggestions related to each skill you are learning to use. “Schedule a meeting with Patrick this week to handle his disagreements with you, okay? Do you want to work out a plan for the meeting?”
  8. A good coach holds you accountable. When you agree to an action step, your coach expects you to do it. “Did you finish step #4 from last week’s plan?” “What happened?” “Let’s add it to next week’s plan, but this time you can . . . .”
  9. If your life is not constantly improving, a good coach finds out why and handles the barrier. “So what’s keeping you up at night?” “Exactly what happens when you try to . . . .” “What if you didn’t need to deal with Sally’s personal drama any longer?”
  10. Good coaches are thrilled when you learn new skills, form new habits and make permanent improvements. “WAY TO GO! I’m so excited for you.” “Let’s see what else you can accomplish!”
  11. A good coach recognizes the importance of your passion and potential. He or she has your back. “Let’s step back for a minute and look at the big picture. Where do you really want to be at this time next year?”
  12. Best of all, a good coach helps you become an A-Performer! “You’ve gotten really good at facing disagreeable people and getting them to cooperate. Now let’s work on your energy level.”

Think of yourself as athlete in the game of life. You have important purposes and goals. You need to get off the bench and start winning! You deserve a professional coach.

How Coaching is Conducted

You meet with your ExecTech coach each week for an hour by phone. You do not travel nor lose production time. You move through the coaching modules at your own speed.

At each weekly coaching call, you develop or improve another skill. If you have difficulty using a skill, you go back and work it over with your coach until you master it. You constantly improve your performance.

Your coach can also act as your life coach and help you with anything you like, while giving you tools to improve yourself, one step at a time. For example, ExecTech coaches often help their clients with personal goals, family issues, depression, anger, personal finances, addictions, fears, difficult people and divorces. However, most ExecTech Performance Coaching sessions focus on your performance skills.

Try a Sample

The best way to check out ExecTech Performance Coaching is to sign up for a free coaching session.