10 Ways to Reduce Coronavirus Stress

As you have noticed, most people are generally more distrustful, on edge and anxious than ever before. They are afraid to go shopping, suspicious of anyone who comes near them and glued to the news.

Of course, stress is unhealthy, depressing and solves nothing. You waste a lot of time and energy with nothing good to show for it. Fortunately, you can take command and reduce your stress with ideas like these.

1. Ignore the news.

You already know the news and know what you’re supposed to do. What else do you need to know?

Every news source is fighting for your attention. The scarier the better. “COVID-19 News Update” banners are even showing up on your phone’s weather app, navigator app and search engine pages.

Try disconnecting for a full day and see how you feel. You might be amazed!

2. Reduce someone else’s stress.

For example, send a reassuring email to all your patients. Check in with your top staff. Be a good listener to your friends and family members. Once their stress goes down, so will yours.

3. Think about the future.

List what you look forward to after the crisis is over. “I’ll be flooded with patients.” “Everyone will be relieved and happy.” “My retirement fund will go back to where it was.”

4. Get the facts, not the warnings, fears or opinions.

Check the actual infection and death rates for someone like you. For example, even if you get infected, but are under 70 and healthy, you will probably live. See links in #18, at exectechweb.com/coronavirus.

5. Ask yourself, “so what?”

Stop resisting your worst-case scenarios. Say, “So what if I get COVID-19?” “So what if I get evicted from my office space?” “So what if I go broke.” You may find it’s not all that bad.

6. Go to your “cookie jar.”

David Goggins, former Navy SEAL and ultramarathon winner tells his fans that when he feels like giving up, he reaches into his cookie jar (memories of his past successes). He feels revitalized and finishes running those last 20 miles. Learn about this amazing A-Performer at davidgoggins.com or on YouTube.

7. Read an entire book.

As we covered in “Seven Things Rich People Do that Poor People Do Not Do,” rich people read books about succeeding. They are constantly educating themselves. Go to alux.com for dozens of suggestions.

8. Help people.

Give some money to people who are worse off than you. For example, donate to your local food bank, prepay for your next hair visit, get groceries for an elderly couple and so on.

9. Connect with your neighbors.

During any crisis or emergency, you want your neighbors on your side. Strike up conversations by phone, over the fence or from your car. Whenever you see a neighbor, wave!

10. Finally, laugh! Have some fun!

There is no rule that says you need to be worried, angry, disgusted, critical, regretful or on edge.

Instead, relax. Work on your hobby, play a game, watch a comedian, eat garlic and wear PJs.

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