
Welcome to Lesson Demonstrations

of ExecTech’s Online Courses

The links below will take you to demonstration versions of ExecTech’s Online Course lessons. Unlike the actual course lessons, found here, these links do not require you to enter anything. You can scroll through the lessons to see the content. If you wish to be a participant, instead of a spectator, you can also do any of the steps in these demonstration lessons.

“How to Be an A-Performer”


Lesson #1: “Grit”
The first part of this lesson describes the benefits of being an A-Performer. It includes a test you can take to see what type of performer you currently are. At the end of the “How to Be an A-Performer” course, you will take the test again to see your improvements.

As an A-Performer, you need a lot of Grit. So the second part of this lesson trains you on the seven steps it takes to have more grit. The lesson includes a video and a personalized Action Plan you can use to immediately improve your ability to have more courage, perform difficult tasks with less effort and reach your personal and professional goals.


Lesson #2: “Gratitude”

Lesson #2 explains how you can use gratitude or thankfulness to lower your stress, improve your relationships and make you happier. The course’s exercises demonstrates how you can use gratitude in seven ways. Once you master this tool, you can use it to help you get through all difficult periods of your life.

At the end of this short, easy lesson, you will have a five-step Action Plan you can use to significantly improve your mood. When you are cheerful or enthusiastic, you are more successful. All A-Performers do their best when they have less stress and more happiness.


In the near future, we will have lessons on how to:

* Be more charismatic
* Stop procrastinating
* Make a better personal impression
* Improve a boss’s mood
* Handle angry patients
* Be more professional
* Motivate coworkers to perform better
* Promote the practice
* Turn acquaintances into new patients

Stay tuned!