Final Action Plan

app_token = “bmendgdbur8vh76xfhredr6irdc”;

$queries = array(
‘fid’ => ’26’,
‘ev’ => ‘ex’,
‘cri’ => $id)

$results = $quickbase->do_query($queries, ”, ”, ‘’);
$tm4 = $results[0]->table->records->record[0]->f[3][0];
$tm1 = $results[0]->table->records->record[0]->f[0][0];
$tm2 = $results[0]->table->records->record[0]->f[1][0];
$tm3 = $results[0]->table->records->record[0]->f[2][0];

$isChecked1 = $results[0]->table->records->record[0]->f[4][0];
$isChecked2 = $results[0]->table->records->record[0]->f[5][0];
$isChecked3 = $results[0]->table->records->record[0]->f[6][0];

$userText = $results[0]->table->records->record[0]->f[7][0];

Thank you for using ExecTech’s free online consulting service. We hope you like it!

Below is your Final Action Plan. You can print it, email it to yourself or save it as a PDF file.

Action Plan


if($isChecked2 == “1”){
echo “$lineNo. $tm2

if($isChecked3 == “1”){
echo “$lineNo. $tm3

if($userText != “”){
echo “$lineNo. $userText


Email to yourself
Save as a PDF File
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