Ten Questions and Answers About
ExecTech’s Motivation Coaching Program

1. Why is Being Motivated So Important?

Do you arrive each day with a big smile on your face, a bounce in your step and a happy greeting for everyone you see? If not, you have room for improvement.

If you fire up your passion, reduce your stress and become more motivated, the improvements, growth and money you want will come.


If you know how to make an improvement, but lack motivation, the improvement does not get made. For example, most overweight people KNOW how to lose weight, they are just not motivated enough to apply what they know.

You might KNOW how to generate more new patients, increase your production or collect more income, but if you are not motivated to take action, your knowledge is useless.

As a boss, you also need to motivate others. To get the best performance from your people, they need to be ENERGIZED, EXCITED and PASSIONATE about their work. They rarely reach this level on their own.

Read “Ten Reasons You Need to Be Motivated” for more examples and benefits of being motivated.

2. Why Am I Not Motivated?

One or more of these causes are common:

□ You really want something wonderful, but it’s not happening.

□ You have accomplished many of your goals and do not feel challenged.

□ You have too much going on; too many projects, too many responsibilities and not enough time.

□ You have an imbalance between giving help and receiving help (too much one way or the other).

□ You get noncompliance, altered compliance or opposition from a staff member.

□ Someone convinces you that you’re working too much, need a vacation, must be tired, etc.

□ There is something you should be controlling, but you cannot control.

□ You cannot control your negative thoughts.

□ You want to leave or escape from something, but you cannot at this time.

□ You have a poor opinion about yourself.

□ You have been confused about something for a long time.

□ Your family or personal problems make it difficult to focus on your practice.

Fortunately, you can confidentially discuss and resolve the reasons you are not motivated with an ExecTech coach.

3. What is Motivation Coaching?

ExecTech coaching is conducted over the telephone for about one hour each week. You simply answer your coach’s questions in detail and sort things out for yourself. Coaching sessions are easy, friendly and enjoyable.

Your motivation coach does not give you advice, give you lectures or make suggestions. He or she is not a cheerleader, a counselor or a consultant. Your coach just asks great questions that lead you to great answers.

Coaching is private and as personal as you like. You can address any problem, goal, worry or topic that is on your mind. You can also stay in touch with your coach between sessions with unlimited e-mail support.

4. How Long Does it Take to Get Motivated?

Everyone is different, but you will notice improvements with each coaching session. Once you reach your peak, your coaching sessions keep you there.

5. How Much Does it Cost?

For just $495 you can try ExecTech’s Motivation Coaching for one full month, four coaching sessions, risk-free!

After you complete your first month, you can continue your coaching month-to-mont at $795. You can cancel anytime

6. Do You Have a Money-back Guarantee?

Yes, for the introductory first month’s fee. If you participate in all four coaching sessions and are not satisfied with your coaching service, we will give you a full refund as long as you request the refund within 60 days of your initial payment.

You can also receive a refund for coaching fees paid after the introductory first month on a prorated basis, based on the month-to-month fee.

7. When Are the Coaching Sessions Conducted?

We schedule your coaching sessions at times that are convenient for you. For example, before starting your day, on your commute home, during lunch breaks, even nights or weekends.

We want your weekly coaching session to be the most enjoyable hour of your week.

8. What Topics Will We Address?

Anything can hurt or help your passion and motivation. So your coaching sessions address whatever goal, problem, concern, opportunity or objective you like.

Everyone is different and your coach is prepared for any topic: practice-management difficulties, professional issues, career goals, financial problems, personality conflicts, marriage difficulties, family matters, personal habits, health issues and life in general including the past, the present and the future.

9. Can I Switch Coaches?

Yes. Just contact the Coaching Supervisor and she will make the switch immediately. Your new coach will contact you within 24 hours.

10. What's Next?

To begin, complete the form below and your coach will contact you within 24 hours.

For more information, call 800-340-6737, ext 3 or send an email to info@exectechweb.com.


To your exciting, passionate and highly-motivated future!