Pep Talks

What if you could talk to a practice-management consultant for a few minutes each week? Someone to whom you could say anything you wanted to say, and be helped without being judged or criticized?

A key benefit of ExecTech’s program is all clients have a knowledgeable, interested person with practice-management experience who they can talk to on a weekly regular basis. While long calls are the most effective, brief calls can also be very beneficial.

A top consultant can give you three types of pep talks.

❒ 1. Brainstorming: You discuss your options and solutions.

Your consultant listens to your biggest issues. He or she asks great questions. You look at the problem from different angles. You discuss your options and decide on a solution. You work out a plan and feel great.

For example, you may need to replace a staff member. After 15 minutes, you realize you have no choice. You replace the staff member with an A-Performer. Your practice production and morale soars.

❒ 2. Demand Improvement: Push you to do what you know you should do.

Many practice owners know exactly what they need to do. They just lack the time, energy or courage to get it done. For example, you know you need to replace the floor in your office. You have the funds and a good flooring company. You just never get to it.

Your consultant gets you to work out a schedule and a plan. He or she makes you swear to get it done. Your consultant then pushes you, as needed, until you get the new flooring installed.

❒ 3. Motivation: Coach and encourage you to do better.

For example, you’ve just gone through a divorce and having a hard time getting back to normal. During your weekly pep talks, your consultant acknowledges your current feelings, but then gets you to switch your attention. He or she puts your attention on the things you need to do in the present and future, and improve your focus for the week.

New ExecTech Service: Weekly Pep Talks

Each week, you and your ExecTech consultant meet by telephone for a private pep talk. You can discuss your practice and your plans for the week, your progress since your last pep talk or anything you want.

Your pep talks are 5-15 minutes each week. The fee is $129 per month. You can cancel at any time.

You can try ExecTech’s weekly pep talks for three weeks, at no charge. No credit card needed. Just complete the registration form below.