Staff Member with Staff Policy Manual

ExecTech’s Staff Policy Manual Package

You can now purchase ExecTech’s Staff Policy Manual for $1349. The package includes a five-page guideline on labor law, 32 pages of sample policy wordings and a staff acknowledgment form.

Unlike other systems for creating your Staff Policy Manual (or Employee Handbook), ExecTech’s system includes step-by-step instructions for customizing your manual, explanations of labor laws that apply to your practice, staff-management policies based on hard-won lessons in the real world, and easy-to-understand common-sense policy wordings on 105 topics.

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Contact the ExecTech office nearest you to discuss your office policy needs and how this package might help you the most.

Ten Benefits of a Well-written Staff Policy Manual

  1. The terms of employment are clear, easy to understand and agreed upon by all employees, in writing. You no longer need to explain or remember the rules. You simply say, “We worked that out in writing. Just look it up in our policy manual.”
  2. Everyone knows that both you and your employees can terminate employment at any time, without cause.
  3. New employees settle in and start producing faster. They know what you need and want from the start.
  4. Your staff policies are set in stone. Only you can create, change or cancel the rules. For example, the staff of a practice with no policy manual convinced the practice owner that by law, he needed to give them paid time off on all national holidays!
  5. You no longer need to depend on employee common sense. You spell out the rules for pay, overtime, taxes, breaks, schedules, insurance, vacations, holidays, the difference between Performance Reviews and Salary Reviews, illness, injuries, pregnancy, parking, cell phones, dress code, tattoos, Facebook postings about the practice, smoking, religion, punctuality and so on.
  6. If an employee feels he or she is being treated unfairly, discriminated against or harassed, the employee has a step-by-step way to report and resolve it internally, without a lawyer or the Labor Board.
  7. If an employee’s attorney tries to start an expensive lawsuit against you, your manual helps you settle the matter with an inexpensive arbitration instead.
  8. You no longer have to deal with conflicting policies from the past or from others. Everyone is now on the same page.
  9. Your manual contributes to your purposes and goals. It states what helps you and what does not help you. For example, if part of your mission is to provide a comforting environment to your patients, your Staff Policy Manual should clearly state this fact. If anyone creates a stressful environment, they are violating your policy and can be penalized or replaced.
  10. When you leave your practice, your manual guides and assists whoever takes over for you.

Included in ExecTech’s Staff Policy Manual Package

1. Labor-law Explanations and Recommendations

How the laws apply to your practice, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, Family and Medical Leave Act, Organ and Bone Marrow Donors’ Leave, Pregnancy Disability Leave, Termination of Employment, Unemployment Insurance Benefits, Workers’ Compensation Insurance, HIPAA Privacy Rule and the new Health Care Reform Act (“Obamacare”). Additional advice and options for sick leaves, annual pay increases, health insurance, paid vacations, holiday pay, overtime pay and policy enforcement.

2. Recommended Wordings For 105 Policies

Employment Termination, Equal Employment Opportunity, Discrimination, Unlawful Harassment, Legal Right to Work, Patient Privacy, Workers’ Compensation Insurance, Analysis or Working Interview Period, Introductory Period, Resignation, Arbitration, Office Property, Staff Member Types, Introductory Employees, Regular Employees, Supervisors, Practice Owner, Exempt/Non-Exempt Employees, Your Position, Job Duties, Performance Reviews, Promotions, Transfers, Clinic Finances and Staff Pay, Workweek, Payday, Deductions, Office Payments, Pay Advances and Employee Loans, Overtime Pay, Bonus Pay, Staff Benefits, Pay Increases, Expenses, Schedules, Business Hours, Staff Schedules, Time Cards and Time Clocks, Lateness or No Show, Time off, Paid Holidays, Paid Vacations, Jury Duty, Voting Leave, Sick Leave, Medical Leave of Absence, Emergency Illness, Pregnancy Disability Leaves, Lactation Policy, Workers’ Compensation Leave, Domestic Violence Leave, Military Leave, Military Spouse Leave, Bereavement Leave, Punctuality and Attendance, Ethics and Discipline, Unethical Behavior, Offenses and Misconduct, Disciplinary Actions, Ethical Behavior, Rewards, Fair Treatment, Records and Files, Staff Files, Changes, Reference Requests, Dress and Appearance Policy, Communication Policy, Reports, Directives or Orders, Memos/Notes, Complaint Reports, Suggestions, Job Procedure Manual, Staff Training, Continuing Education, Statistics, Manners, Attitude, Ideal Patient, Patient Advice and Dismissal, Patient Relations, Gifts, Religion, Smoking, OSHA Regulations, Security Inspections, Workplace Violence, Telephone, Employee-owned Electronic Devices, Mobile Phone Use While Driving, Trade Secrets, Facilities, Conducting Personal Business, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Off-duty Conduct, Social Media Policy, Workplace Privacy, Guests and Visitors, Lost and Found, Staff Parking, Cleaning Policy, Kitchen, Equipment Use, Office Security, Supplies, Policy Enforcement and more.

3. Staff Member Acknowledgment Form

An important final step to repeat the relationship of the employee with the practice, acknowledge receipt of the manual and a statement that he or she has read, understands and agrees to follow the Staff Policy Manual. Buy the Staff Policy Manual Package as an Office Word Document file (immediate download), ready for customization, by clicking below. [add_to_cart item=”1011″ text=”Click to Order”]

Note: Over the past 22 years, ExecTech policy wordings have been approved by labor-law attorneys in several states. We have made every effort to ensure the sample wordings are up-to-date and comply with the State of California and United States labor laws. Although ExecTech is not a law firm, we work closely with labor-law attorney Rachel Nelson. We recommend you have an attorney approve your Staff Policy Manual before you distribute it to your staff.

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