100-Point Profit Checklist

You work harder than most. You have more education than most. You do more good for society than most. You deserve more pay.

You made an excellent career choice. You had the courage necessary to buy or start a practice. You can control your destiny.

So you should be making a generous profit and your profit should be increasing each year. If not, why not?

You cannot blame the economy. Thousands of well-managed practices have been and are continuing to prosper. Your practice can and should prosper too!

The fact is this: your education was not business-oriented. You were not trained nor interned on how to make a profit. When it comes to your finances, you are on your own.

Fortunately, you are smart and can learn. You can take actions and implement the systems you need to implement to earn the profit you deserve. These actions and systems are covered in ExecTech’s 100-point Profit Checklist.

Top 100 Ways to Increase Your Profit

To help your bottom line grow bigger and faster than anything else we have offered to you in the past, we have compiled ExecTech’s new “100-point Profit Checklist!”

The checklist includes the 100 most-powerful methods we have found to increase profit. It is based on our 20 years of consulting success, our 775-page client binder and more than 1,000 “Tips and ideas” articles. As far as we know, this is the first checklist of its kind for any profession.

During the testing phase, our volunteers were delighted with the results and made these comments:
“This is the most thorough financial exam I’ve ever had.”
“It’s given me a lot of ideas and opens a lot of doors for me.”
“I’ve learned more about making money from this checklist than from anything else to date.”

ExecTech’s 100-point Profit Checklist is guaranteed to cover the actions you must take to boost your profit.

Checklist Examples

❑ 7. Do you have a system that makes new patients feel welcome before they meet you?
26. When valuable patients want to switch to another practice, does your staff have a system for getting them to stay?
32. Do you know your make-break profit level for each of your procedures?
52. Does someone check all insurance payments received against the agreed-upon reimbursement rates?
71. Do you know your hourly overhead per provider? If so, do you use it to determine your make-break fees for each procedure?
79. Do you lease equipment? If yes, is it part of a calculated financial strategy to reduce your overhead or taxes?
88. Do you reward your staff for reducing your overhead costs?
90. How would you describe your spending habit: You spend less than you make; all that you make; more than you make?
98. Are you afraid of taking an action that you know would improve your profit?

Free Profit Checklist Consultation

The easiest and most effective way to help you achieve the results of this checklist is with a telephone consultation. During the call we will go through the checklist with you and help you decide which items you can use to increase your profit. We will also advise you on how to proceed with your implementation.

There is no cost or obligation. Your privacy will be protected. We simply want to show you how effective ExecTech’s systems can be for increasing your profit, and we are happy to give you this help, at no charge. Because you are only investing an hour of your time, your return on investment is guaranteed!

To schedule your free 100-point Profit Checklist consultation, call (800) 340-6737, ext 2, or send us an email.