How to Retire Sooner Than Later

If you could retire right now, what would you do?

Would you spend more time with your family? Get serious about golfing? Travel the world?

If you were independently wealthy and did not have to work, odds are good you would remain productive anyway. However, you might only see select patients, do some research, teach or have more fun.

Of course, without wealth, you might have to work until you are just too old to treat patients.

Fortunately, as a practice owner, you are in an excellent position to become independently wealthy. You must start with the right attitudes. Check each box that applies to you in present time.

10 Wrong Ways to Build Wealth

You get involved in petty, emotional issues such as making someone wrong or seeking revenge.
You are doing work that you hate.
You agree to deals even though you know they are unfair to you.
You blame others for your problems and poor conditions.
You live beyond your means.
You work with people who take more life from you than they give to you.
You waste money on status symbols.
You avoid challenges, ignore problems or refuse to change.
You follow the crowd.
You criticize yourself.

10 Right Ways to Build Wealth

You set practice goals and stay focused on them despite distractions.
You invest time and money in yourself, your practice and your staff in ways that boost productivity.
You face and do what you know you need to do, with courage and without excuses.
You make your practice enjoyable for everyone who is involved in it.
You delegate as much as possible to as many people as possible.
You surround yourself with experts: accountants, investment advisors, lawyers, consultants.
You constantly envision your ideal practice and ideal lifestyle; you use your imagination to your advantage.
You learn new lessons from your mistakes and failures.
You jump on opportunities when they arrive.
You generate passion for your work.

Wealth Potential Test

Check each box that applies to you in the present time. Add up both categories and subtract the “Wrong Ways” from the “Right Ways.”

If you have 5 or more points, you are on your way to happiness, success and wealth.

If you score 0-4 points, you have untapped wealth potential.

If you score below 0, you now have a clue why your income is stagnant and free time is rare.

With 5 or more negative points, you need to make drastic changes.

By adopting the right attitudes, anything is possible!

If you can make your patients laugh, they'll think you're the greatest!

If you can make your patients laugh, they’ll think you’re the greatest!

Blue 3D up arrows concept

Four Phases to Unlimited New Patients

Seven blank numbered sequential steps business diagram illustrat

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Hand in sea water asking for help. Failure and rescue concept.

Your success as a practice owner is also related to giving and receiving help. The more easily you can trust others and accept their assistance, the faster you can achieve your goals. A disaster is not required.