Shopper Coaching

You can train one of your front-desk staff on ExecTech’s system for handling callers. Your staff members will learn to schedule 90% of all callers with ExecTech’s telephone coaching program. For a training fee of just $795, we will make your staff member into a professional New Patient Scheduling Manager.

ExecTech’s system for handling callers does not generate new callers, but helps your staff schedule the patients you are currently losing.

As you know, 98% of your new patients call before coming into your office. This means your front desk staff gives the public their first impression about your practice and act as your practice’s gatekeeper.

So if your front desk staff is expertly trained, they are revenue producers. They increase your volume of new patients. If they are not expertly trained, they may be costing you much more than just their pay.

The average practice loses 10-50% of potential new patients. So if you currently average 20 new patients per month, you are losing 2 to 10 new patients each month. If your case average is $1500, your loss is $36,000 to $180,000 per year!

ExecTech’s system is designed for your staff member to implement, with an ExecTech coach’s guideance, advice and persistance.

The ExecTech System for Handling Callers

To designate your expertly trained staff member from your other staff, we use the title of New Patient Scheduling Manager (NPSM). All potential new patient callers are professionally routed to your NPSM who must be available to take the calls as his or her highest priority. Ideally, your NPSM is happily available to take these calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

During this vital telephone conversation, the patient decides to schedule an appointment or not. In some cases, the person even decides if he or she will accept your treatment recommendations, based soley on your NPSM!

The NPSM guides the communication, gives a positive and caring impression to the potential patient, solves problems and makes the caller WANT to schedule the appointment.

Callers are motivated to schedule and keep appointments because your staff member has carefully listened to the caller’s needs, expanded the importance of these needs and promotes you, the doctor, in an appropriate manner.

The NPSM maintains careful control of the call. For example, he or she does not ask questions like, “When would you like to come in?” or “When is convenient for you?” These questions give control to the patient. Additionally many of your callers are terrified and uncomfortable; nothing is convenient!

The NPSM does not say things like, “The doctor will need to do an exam and take x-rays. This will cost you $150, okay?” The patient sees no value for an exam and x-rays so does not appreciate this information.

Instead, the NPSM skillfully handles questions about fees by first explaining the importance and value of the procedure. The caller can then understand and agree with the fee.

The NPSM does not ask a question that gives the caller a way to avoid scheduling an appointment. Examples: “Do you have an insurance card?” “Do you want to think about it?” “I have to help another patient; do you want me to call you back?”

The NPSM uses a scheduling form while talking to the caller. The form helps the NPSM remember each step of the system while recording the vital information. If the caller does not schedule an appointment, the form is used to improve the staff member’s skills.

Unlike other similar programs, your staff member is not be taught to lie or deceive people to get them into the door. Instead, they make the patient want to schedule based on their needs and your practice’s superior care.

If your NPSM follows the ExecTech system, he or she will skillfully handle the two biggest barriers: MONEY and FEAR. As a result, he or she will schedule nearly everyone who calls.

The ExecTech system includes a “Welcome Package,” steps for handling cancellations and non-shows, statistical tracking and bonus plan options.

As part of the ExecTech system, the NPSM keeps three statistics:

1. Caller Inquiries
2. Scheduled Callers
3. New Patient Arrivals

Of course, the final statistic is the most important. Once the patient walks in the door, your staff member has done his or her job. If your NPSM boosts this final statistic to a high, new level, you should reward him or her appropriately!

Top Five Benefits

As a result of ExecTech’s “Turn Shoppers into New Patients” coaching module, you gain the following benefits

1. A confident employee who handles every caller like a pro.

2. A fully implemented, step-by-step system for handling all types of callers and caller problems.

3. More new patients. At least of 90% of all eligible callers are handled, by your staff member, to schedule appointments.

4. You will know that potential new patients are not be lost or wasted simply because your staff is inexperienced, untrained or know-it-all employees who do not handle callers as well as they should.

5. Best of all, the money and time you spend to market your practice will have a greater return as more of those who call will schedule appointments.

How ExecTech’s Coaching System Works

ExecTech coaching is a more effective training system than seminars, recorded lectures or manuals as the staff member receives personalized, one-on-one attention.

Every question, concern and weakness is resolved. Every step of the system is implemented Nothing ever beats individual training!

Even the system itself can be customized to fit your practice and is the first step.

1. Practice Owner System Customization

As the practice owner, your job is to review the ExecTech system for handling callers. The coach works with you to ensure we are on the same page.

Unlike other consulting companies, ExecTech is flexible. We can fit our system your needs and wants, without reducing the power of the system. When a system is customized to your practice, and matches your practice philosophy, that system is more likely to succeed, permantly.

2. Staff Member Coaching Sessions

Next, your staff member and our coach get to work. Each week they meet, by phone, to work on the parts of the system first guideline, role-play the steps and plan the implementation

Your staff member receives bite-sized chunks that her or she can digest instead of an eight-course Thanksgiving Dinner that overwhelms the employee with too much information.

We have found one hour of training each week for eight weeks is five times more effective than one eight-hour training session, such as those given by trainers who drop in to your office.

At the end of each coaching session, your staff member receives task assignments to do between coaching sessions. This program includes unlimited calls and e-mails from you or your staff member.

3. Staff member Performance

Once your staff member has implemented the system and is using it, the coach works on his or her statistical performace. Each week, they review the statistics, problems and progress until the staff member has. The coach also gets your staff member to focus on new patient scheduling as one of his or her highest priorities.

4. Secret Patient Call

To ensure your staff member is putting the material to use and handling callers in a professional, effective manner, we conduct Secret Patient Calls and analyze the results for you. If your staff member does meet our high standards, we continue the coaching until he or she does.

5. Certification

Once your staff member completes the training, passes the Secret Patient Call and reaches the statistical requirements in your office, he or she is certified by ExecTech.

6. Follow-up Coaching

To ensure your staff member’s skills are permanent, your coach will remain available for calls or e-mail from your or your staff member. For example, if the percentage of callers drops below 90%, your ExecTech coach will help your staff member find out why and fix the problem.

Buy ExecTech’s “Turn Shoppers into New Patients” Coaching System for $795

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