The Easy Way to Provide Tele-Healthcare to Patients

After reviewing several tele-care systems, we recommend ( for your video calls with patients. is the easiest system to use, works with any healthcare profession and it’s free!

Twelve Benefits

1. is designed for health-care professionals who may be computer-technology challenged.

2. stores your meeting dates, times and durations so you can enter the exact details in your patient records after the calls.

3. Unlike Skype, Zoom, Facetime and other non-medical videocall apps, is HIPAA-compliant. It creates a HIPAA-compliant Business Associate Agreement to protect you.

4. You and your patients can meet online, 24/7, using any device that has a camera.

5. No need for you or your patients to install an app, plugin or software. All they need is a link that you provide.

6. You can use to determine if a patient has an emergency or not. Just talking to a patient is not nearly as useful as having the patient show you the problem.

7. You can check if the patient has signs of COVID-19 before agreeing to an emergency appointment.

8. If you have never met the patient, you can see the patient before agreeing to an appointment.

9. Patients can check in and wait (in a virtual waiting room) until you are ready for the appointment. This gives you time to review an existing patient’s history, wrap up another patient or prepare for the video call.

10. A tele-care service is a great addition to your services menu for now and for after the crisis is over.

11. You can provide the service for free or charge as much as you wish for the visit.

12. Free tele-care calls to your patients or potential new patients is an excellent PR move on your part! You keep your current patients happier and give a positive first impression to potential new patients.

Ten Tips for Providing Terrific Tele-Healthcare Video Calls

1. Let walk you through the technical setup. Just follow the on-screen instructions.

2. Use a good internet connection. A wired internet connection is usually the fastest. A wifi connection is next best. A data cellphone connection may be too slow.

3. Dress the part. A comfortable t-shirt might be fine with friends or family, but not with staff or patients.

4. Add some lighting behind your device so you don’t have shadows under your eyes.

5. Put your camera lens at your eye level. For example, put your laptop on top of some books.

6. Check your background. A messy room or white wall is not as nice as a bookshelf, painting or certificates.

7. While the patient is talking, do not fidget, rub your face, move around, read, write, eat or drink. Just like a face-to-face patient visit, look at the patient and listen.

8. To examine a tooth, an eye or other body part, have the patient use a flashlight or flashlight phone app.

9. Unless your schedule is full, never be in a rush. An extra minute of listening might make you a hero.

10. Test, test, test. Perform a practice visit with a family member or staff member before your first video call with a patient. Make sure you look good and can give a great exam, and you will be ready to go!