Yelp Help for Healthcare Providers

How to Use the Popularity and Power of Yelp to Improve Your Image and Attract New Patients

Yelp’s influence of healthcare practices is continuing to grow, especially in large cities. Potential new patients are turning to Yelp more than any other place to find their dentists, physicians, optometrists, chiropractors, veterinarians, hospitals and specialists. It is safe to say that if you have unhandled negative Yelp reviews, you are not only generating fewer new patients than before, you are losing patients.

On the other hand, if you have an awesome Yelp page, packed with dozens of positive reviews, that attracts hundreds of visitors, you are seeing more new patients than ever, and without spending a dime!

“Yelp Help for Healthcare Providers” is the first and only book that gives healthcare providers the exact steps you need to create and manage a successful Yelp page. It is based on years of hands-on experience helping practice owners turn their Yelp pages into valuable, productive assets.

You can treat Yelp as an enemy or as your friend. By following the steps in “Yelp Help for Healthcare Providers,” you will have the knowledge you need to increase your popularity and generate new patients with Yelp. When Yelp is your friend, it is a VERY GOOD friend.

Paperback available for $14.95.
Kindle eBook for $9.95 at

If Yelp is not yet important in your area, it will be. You have an opportunity to become an “early adopter” and take one of the number one spots in your city. For example, if you use Yelp to search for a dentist in any major US city, like Los Angeles, San Francisco or New York, you will see the practice owners who show up at the top of the list have dozens of positive reviews, even hundreds. You can also see some of these smart dentists were getting positive reviews in 2007, years before Yelp was a popular way to find healthcare providers.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Why Yelp Has So Much Power
3. How Negative Yelp Reviews Can Hurt Your Practice
4. How Positive Yelp Reviews Can Help Your Practice
5. Myths and Truths About Yelp
6. How to Win with Yelp
7. Learn How Yelp Operates
8. Learn How Reviewers Operate
9. How to Claim Your Yelp Business Account
10. How to Create a Terrific Yelp Business Profile Page
11. How NOT to Get Positive Reviews
12. How to Get a Steady Flow of Positive Reviews
13. How to Handle Positive Reviews
14. How to Handle Patients Whose Reviews Are “Not Recommended”
15. How NOT to Handle Negative Reviews
16. How to Remove or Neutralize Negative Reviews
17. How to Flag a Negative Review
18. How to Submit a Formal Request to Yelp’s User Support Team
19. How to Contact a Negative Reviewer
20. How to Post a Public Comment to a Negative Review
21. Patients Can Defend You
22. What to Do When You Get a Negative Review for Doing the Right Thing
23. How to Avoid HIPAA Privacy Rule Violations
24. Yelp Statistics
25. Yelp and Your Online Presence
26. How to Use Yelp Advertising to Your Advantage
27. Yelp Trivia


28. Patient Instructions for Posting Reviews
29. Permission to Use Name, Pictures, Videos, Testimonial, Etc.
30. Permission to Use a Patient’s Review
31. Yelp Filter Explanation
32. ExecTech Client Weekly Article: “How to Handle Difficult People”
33. Tips and Ideas Weekly Article: “Online Deals and Coupons”
34. HIPAA Business Associate Agreement

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Paperback available for $14.95.
Kindle eBook for $9.95 at